Composite Resin Fillings

A composite (tooth coloured) filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc. The decayed or affected portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a composite filling.

Root Canal Therapy

It is a procedure that removes damaged or diseased tissue from the inside of a tooth, to relieve the pain of toothache or infection. Inflammation and infection of the pulp may occur following dental decay, deep fillings, cracks or trauma.

If the pulp experiences damage or disease, a tooth may become sensitive to heat or cold, cause pain, soreness or swelling in nearby gums, become discoloured, or occasionally give no pain at all.

Irreversible pulp damage can be treated by one of two ways, removing the dead or diseased pulp tissue with root canal treatment or removing the whole tooth.

Root canal treatment, where possible, is preferable to tooth removal as it is able to preserve a natural tooth for many years.

Root canal treatment involves drilling a small hole in the top of the tooth and gaining access to the canal space. The dead or dying tissue is removed from the tooth’s root canals, of which there may be more than one. The inside of the tooth then needs to be flushed and disinfected using a medicine before being sealed with a temporary filling material and the access hole closed.

Root canal treatment is generally completed over three to four visits with the fifth and final visit being the cuspal protection filling over the root canal tooth.



Dentures are prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth.

Missing teeth are common among adults and elderly people, and can be caused by various things such as decay, periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene, or accidents caused by sport or other injury.

At Ace Dental we can customise a denture to fit your mouth comfortably. Dentures are made from a plate, metal or acrylic, designed to fit over the bone and soft tissues of your jaw.

Ceramic or acrylic false teeth are attached to the plate, matching any remaining teeth to create as natural a look as possible.

Partial dentures allow replacement of only a few missing teeth, they are held in place by clasps attached to adjacent natural teeth.

Full Dentures are made to replace all teeth in the upper or lower jaw.

Immediate dentures are made prior to the tooth or teeth being removed. These are made when the patient simply can’t afford to be without a tooth or teeth straight after a planned extraction.



Sometimes teeth cannot be saved due to large decays, root fractures etc. Extractions can be performed under local anaesthetic in the chair, however in some cases referral to an Oral Surgeon may be required.